Thursday, 19 April 2012

Unstructured Data Mining – A huge challenge or a huge opportunity ?

Gartner estimates that unstructured data constitutes 80% of the whole enterprise data. A huge proportion of this unstructured data comprises chat transcripts, emails and other informal and semi-formal internal and external communications like MS Word and PDF documents. Usually such text is meant for human consumption. However, now with huge amounts of such text being present, both online and within the enterprise, it is important to mine such text using computers.

By Definition, Unstructured Data (or unstructured information) refers to information that either does not have a pre-defined data model and/or does not fit well into relational tables. Unstructured information is typically text-heavy, but may contain data such as dates, numbers, and facts as well.

An insidious dilemma right now is regarding the issue of unstructured information. In businesses and offices, file storage and database is strewn with sensitive data that’s uncategorized, unclassified, and unprotected. With all the data exchanged within and between offices, collecting and organizing these data is proving to be a challenge.

Managing unstructured information is vital for any business, as these uncategorized data may prove to be vital in the decision-making process. Much investment is going into searching and systematizing data in networks. This is because a host of vital information may be found in these free-form texts, both in soft and hard form ) such as the following:

•  Client Responses - This information may just be buried within countless emails and correspondence.
•  Market Rival - A slew of new products and services manufactured by the competition may be analyzed by uncategorized research documents.
•  Market Segments - Feedback from consumers and customers may be derived from call transcripts and user comments.

For a company, the successful classification and management of unstructured information may lead to more profitable decisions and business opportunities.

Dealing with unstructured data
Data mining and text analytics and noisy text analytics techniques are different methods used to find patterns in, or otherwise “interpret”, this information. Common techniques for structuring text usually involve manual tagging with metadata or Part-of-speech tagging for further text mining-based structuring. There are several commercial solutions which help one to analyze and understand unstructured data for business applications. Apache UIMA, an Apache product, on the other hand, is an open source option.

UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) provides a common framework for processing this information to extract meaning and create structured data about the information.

UIMA analyzes large volumes of unstructured information in order to discover knowledge that is relevant to an end user. An example UIM application might ingest plain text and identify entities, such as persons, places, organizations; or relations, such as works-for or located at.

UIMA enables applications to be decomposed into components, for example "language identification" => "language specific segmentation" => "sentence boundary detection" => "entity detection (person/place names etc.)". To do so, it provides components which implement interfaces defined by the framework and provides self describing metadata via XML descriptor files. It additionally provides capabilities to wrap components as network services, and can scale to very large volumes by replicating processing pipelines over a cluster of networked nodes.

Additional toolset is also provided to further extend UIMA’a capabilities of extracting meaningful information from the unstructured data. One of such tool is called CFE ( Configurable Feature Extractor ) that enables feature extraction in a very generalized way. This is done using rules expressed in FESL (Feature Extraction Specification Language) in XML form. FESL's rule semantics allow the precise identification of the information that is required to be extracted by specifying precise multi-parameter criteria.

In my opinion, Unstructured Data Management will provide huge help to government and semi-government agencies, more than IT industries, where millions of unstructured/semi-structured documents are lying on shelves in physical form or in computers in soft form, waiting to be explored, read again and referred to.

There are some open source, powerful search platforms like Apache Solr, which claim to integrate with UIMA seamlessly which further strengthens the case for use of these open source technologies put together to solve the problem of this enterprise world. Having said that, is that really a huge problem or a challenge to face or really an opportunity that an IT service company should grab?


Monday, 2 April 2012

Exploring ANTLR

Getting ANTLR to work, atleast as a proof of concept, wasn't trivial as I was very new to the whole concept of defining language constructs, writing compilers and so on. But once you get accustomed to the terms and this technology, you feel really empowered. You can theoretically write your own language or convert anything, into anything else :)

I am going to cover basics about ANTLR here and the output of the POC.

The Big Picture

* The lexical analyzer, or lexer, breaks up the input stream into tokens.
* Tokens are vocabulary symbols emanating from the lexical analyzer.
* The parser feeds off this token stream and tries to recognize the sentence structure.
* Abstract syntax tree (AST) is a TREE representation of the language syntax.
* Output can be AST or text ( using StringTemplates ).

Definitions, Tools and usage

* Grammar describes the syntax of a language.
* ANTLTWorks – IDE to write, verify, test, debug the grammar
* Commandline - java org.antlr.Tool grammar.g
* Generates Tokens, Lexer, Parser java classes

Imagine a maze with a single entrance and single exit that has words written on the floor. Every path from entrance to exit generates a sentence by “saying” the words in sequence. In a sense, the maze is analogous to a grammar that defines a language.

Grammar Example

prog : stat+ ;
stat : expr NEWLINE
| ID '=' expr NEWLINE
expr : multExpr (('+' |'-' ) multExpr)* ;
multExpr : atom ('*' atom)* ;
atom : INT
| ID
| '(' expr ')’ ;
ID : ('a'..'z' |'A'..'Z' )+ ;
INT : '0'..'9' + ;
WS : (' ' |'\t' |'\n' |'\r' )+ {skip();} ;

Test Class

public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create an input character stream from standard in
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(;

// Create an ExprLexer that feeds from that stream
ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(input);

// Create a stream of tokens fed by the lexer
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);

// Create a parser that feeds off the token stream
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(tokens);

// Begin parsing at rule prog

AST vs Parse Tree for 3+4*5

An AST is to be distinguished from a parse tree, which represents the sequence of rule invocations used to match an input stream.

Grammar File Structure

Filename : grammarName.g

/** This is a document comment */
grammarType grammarName;
/** doc comment */
rule1 : ... | ... | ... ;
rule2 : ... | ... | ... ;

The order of the grammar sections must be as shown, with the rules appearing after all the other sections.

Sample Grammar

grammar T;
options {
@members {
String s;
public String changeCase(String in)
return in.toUpperCase();
r : ID '#' {s = $ID.text; System.out.println("found "+s);} -> declTemplate(id={$ID.text}) ;
ID : 'a'..'z' + ;
WS : (' ' |'\n' |'\r' )+ {skip();} ; // ignore whitespace

Template file : mytemplate.stg

declTemplate (id) ::= <<
var ;

Actions embedded within Rules

grammar T;
options {language=Java;}
@header {
package org.antlr.test;
r[int a, String b] returns [int n]
@init {
$n=$a; // init return value
@after {
System.out.println("returning value n="+$n);
: ... {$n=23;}
| ... {$n=9;}
| ... {$n=1;}
| // use initialized value of n

Rules Error Handling

void rule() throws RecognitionException {
try {
catch (RecognitionException re) {

Overriding default error handling

To get these rich error messages, override two methods from BaseRecognizer,
displayRecognitionError( )
getTokenErrorDisplay( )

Example of a rich message

$ java Test
<< 1+;
<< EOF
>> line 1:2 [prog, stat, expr, multExpr, atom] no viable alternative,
token=[@2,2:2=';',<7>,1:2] (decision=5 state 0)
decision=<<35:1: atom : ( INT | '(' expr ')' );>>
found expr: 1+;

Grammar Level Options

options {
language = Java / C#;
output = template / AST;
backtrack = true / false;
memorize = true / false;
rewrite = true / false;

Rule Attributes

Attribute Type
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------
text String // text matched by the rule
start Token // first token matched by the rule
stop Token // last token matched by the rule
tree Object // AST computed by the rule
st StringTemplate // Template computed for this rule


r : ID '#' {s = $ID.text; System.out.println("found "+s);} -> declTemplate(id={$}) ;

POC : PLSQL to JAVA Converter


